Monday, November 26, 2007

FULL (of what?)

God is about us taking in more of Him than anything else in this world. Why than do we fill ourselves up with everything else? I am still trying to figure it out. Besides the easy answers that lead us to selfishness and our sinful human nature, why do we put God as an after-thought in our lives?
Is it because we want other things more than God? Do we desire more of this world rather than more of God? As I grow older and as I grow in my journey with Christ I have realized that with each day I must rely on Christ for EVERYTHING (even the air I breath). Things seems to really get out of whack when I don't rely on Christ. That's when things go south, haywire, crazy, you get the point.
Maybe the problem is that we don't put into action our lives as followers of Christ. We are just okay hearing and never doing, teaching and never showing through example the life of Christ.
If we never do what we say or what we read in the Word than what difference will it make. Head knowledge by itself is good if you want a degree, but transforming that knowledge into action is where something happens. Transformation is an action and action only happens when we move, go, or do. Knowledge is only as good as the one who is being followed. So I guess the question would be, "Who are we following today, tomorrow, next month?" In the end who we decide to fill ourselves up with will determine who we are becoming and where we are going.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Paul talks about our "freedom in Christ" in the book of Galatians. Yet this freedom is abused more times than we would like to admit. We use it to indulge in the "flesh". Then we say, "I have freedom in Christ to do this, so back off you judgemental hypocrite. Paul would let us have it if he was still around today. This freedom is not to do what WE want, but rather to serve one another in love! We don't have to serve each other because it is required by the law, but because we do it out of love. It boils down to the flesh vs. Spirit, our good works vs. the work of Christ, our own abilities vs. the grace of God, running the race of life by the law vs. running it by grace, legalism vs. freedom. How will I live? How will I choose? Legalism has no place in the life of the follower of Christ.

Have you ever noticed that legalism causes us to fight each other like nothing else, it consumes us. Living in the flesh causes us to miss opportunities for service and love each other in the name of Jesus. How much have we missed out on because of "law living"?

Lets start living each day by the Spirit, serving one another in love out of the freedom that we have been given by Christ.

Monday, October 8, 2007


Wow, how long has it been since I have written anything? Too long. I have a lot of things rolling around in my head. God has been doing some amazing things in my life. I just returned from Catalyst in Atlanta. It challenged me, encouraged me, and moved me in ways that I have not had in years. I am still trying to take it all in and process what I have heard. Then comes the question of, "What do I do with what I have heard?" The one thing that I do know is that God is amazing, awesome, great, merciful, giving, generous, loving, etc..
I believe that God is definately doing something in this young generation and I want to be a part of what God is up to. I heard a speaker this weekend that said, "Quit praying, 'God bless me' and start praying, 'God let me be a part of what your blessing.'" We must seek the Kingdom of God! There was so much good stuff that I couldn't talk about it all in one sitting, mainly because I am still taking it all in.
One other point that I remember is that there has been a lot said about the church, Christ bride, in the last few years. There seems to be more said on the negative side than positive. It is one thing for the main stream culture to put down the bride, but its another for the body of Christ, followers of Christ to do it also. Now I would be lying if I said that I have never done this. As followers of Christ we have all probably at one time or another been guilty of this. We get fed up with things going on in the church or with leaders in the church (those that are leading) and we put those feelings on the church as a whole. That's not fair to Christ and His bride. As one speaker put it, "God wants you to love the REAL church not the ideal one." That statement blew me away, because I have been guilty of loving the ideal one instead of the real church. When I focus on the REAL church there is nothing that I can complain about (or shouldn't complain about because it is perfect, I am the one imperfect). May I lift up the beautiful bride of Christ.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

theology of a five year old

The other day my daughter and I where talking about trusting God and not being afraid because God was with us. The conversation began with us talking about the thunder storm and how she was afraid of the loud thunder. I asked her who made the thunder. She told me God. I asked her if God loved her. She told me yes, BUT then said something that made me stop. She said, "I know daddy that Jesus is here, but it's hard because I don't see His skin (as she was pointing to hers)." It made me think, "Are we being the skin of Christ to those around us?" How many people reject Christ because of us not being who He intended us to be through our words and actions. Let us truely be the skin of Christ to those around us and see lives changed.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for
you know that nothing you do
for the Lord is ever useless.

-1 Corinthians 15:58b

I read this verse today and it was just what I needed (although I had to read it several times for it to sink in). Thanks God, your the best!

Monday, August 20, 2007

To become or not to become is the question

Do we spend way too much time thinking about the things that we do wrong in our lives (sin)? Should we deal with that sin(s) and move on rather than sit in our own pity party and not move forward with who God intended us to be. The way I understand it, when we become a follower of Christ we are reborn, rebirthed, made new. The old-self is no longer the number one influence, God should be. We are given a new life in Christ; "Dead to sin, alive to God" -Romans 6:11. Now I'm not saying that we will never sin again, I'm dead to sin (that life that controlled me), but not ignorant of it. When I sin I need to admit, confess, praise God for that forgiveness, and make it right with anyone that I have hurt. Then move on to living the way God intended for me to live. The cool thing is that God does forgive and doesn't want me to wallow in my sin, but rather MOVE ON to the life that He has for me, the NEW LIFE. It's kinda like us never wanting to move past a liquid diet to a more solid diet that fills you up. Maybe that's why so many people that call themselves Christians never seem to mature, they never want to go beyond the liquid to the solid. Lets encourage one another to be the person God intended or better yet created us to be.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Telling it like it is

"We have to care more about reaching people (for Jesus) than about obeying man's stupid rules because that's what they are."
-Craig Groeschel, Senior Pastor of
(italics added for emphasis)


Life. True Life is what God wants to give us. Not easy life, but true life with all its bumps and bruises, and also victories and wins. Last night I was discussing with others the the video by Nooma called Rhythm. In it Rob Bell talks about a song that has been playing since the beginning of time. The song of God. Everyone hears it, even if they try and deny it. You see all of us plays a song, our life song. The question isn't if we are playing a song, rather the question is are we in tune with God's song. As I was thinking about that last night and today I have been asking God what areas of my life are out of tune with you? As leaders in the church we must be willing to wrestle with and ask ourselves the same questions that we are asking others to face. I don't want to become just someone who asks all the questions, but never struggles with those same questions myself. Leaders lead. God, I hear Your song all around me and I hear it being played in my life, show where I need to be more in tune with You.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


"Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one
person gets the prize? So run to win!"

-1 Corinthians 9:24

LIVE WITH PASSION FOR GOD! We all have a passion for something in our lives. We must make sure that our 1st passion is Christ than everything else will follow. Run your journey focused on Him that gives life, that sustains life, and that loves life. This doesn't mean that we can't be passionate about other things in our life, but I do think that we will see all other things in a different light once we set our priorities straight and run with purpose, true purpose (1 Corinthians 9:26). There is a natural flow of living life. A flow that only comes from God. When we go against the flow things don't seem right. Things seem out of place, not in there natural order. We must run with purpose and that purpose comes from God and with that comes passion that can't be contained.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Five years ago today I became a father for the 1st time. I can't believe that it has been five years. The time has flown by. As I start to get the hang of this father thing I realize how much our heavenly Father loves us and cares for us. I also realize how I fail Him everyday of my life, but He loves me anyway. It's the same with my kids, I expect a lot out of them, even though they are still young, but I don't expect perfection. I just want them to give all they have, do the best they can do. I want to be an encourager to them and to be there when they fall and to be there when they soar. I want them to experience the world in all its goodness and truth, which means that they will also have to see the world in all it's filth and lies. I want them to know that God didn't intend for it to be that way, but that He is still in control and that He can be trusted. It's interesting that as I raise my children I can see how God expects a lot out of me and that He will equip me for the future, just as I want to do for my kids.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I am humbled by God each day of my life. When I stop and think about what He has allowed me to do I am thrilled and excited. Question such as, "Why me of all people?" and "Are you sure you want me to do that?", come to mind. Of course it is at those times that I realize that I can't do it, but God will if I allow Him to use me. Yesterday as I was mowing my yard and doing yard work I was chatting with God and telling Him that I stand amazed at what He does in and around my life. The things that have happened and are happening can only be explained by a move of God. When God moves I want to move also, when God directs I want to follow. I remember saying to Him what has kinda become my new prayer lately, "What-ever, when-ever, how-ever, and where-ever, for Your glory." One of the biggest mistakes that I or anyone can make is to try and go it alone in this life. We were not made to do that, we are made to relate to one another and especially to God. What else can I say except, "Thank you God for, well, EVERYTHING!!!"

Thursday, August 2, 2007


"We have defined holiness through what we separate ourselves from rather than what we give ourselves to. The greatest tragedy is not the sins that we commit, but the life that we fail to live" -Erwin McManus, Chasing Daylight

Holiness. I bet that you would get a lot of different definitions of what it is.
It is true that I want to stay away from many things that this world has to offer, because it would cause my relationship with Jesus to falter. But if you stop and think about what I might stay away from that would give me reason to say that I am holy might just be something that others all over the world do also, but have no relationship with Christ. So what's the difference? Just like the quote above I believe that the difference is in what we give ourselves to. How we live out our faith.
Do we live out our faith loud or just whisper behind closed doors?
When I think about the quote I think about Christ. Jesus could have just come to this earth and talked about His Father, talked about His purpose, and yes He would have been holy because there was no sin in His life. But He didn't just do that. He gave himself completely to His mission, to His purpose.
I want to give myself completely, totally, and without reservation to Christ. To live the life that He has for me. To follow passionately.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Change.... It's never easy. Or at least it seems that way. Why is it that when you are on the front side of something big that's about to happen it scares you to death, but when you are on back side you rejoice and see things differently. I guess this is what growing your faith is all about. When push comes to shove are we really willing to believe what the Bible says about God's character? (That He is trust-worthy, faithful, and loving) God has great plans for us, but we sometimes choose to write our own stories because we aren't willing to change, even when we know that the end result with God would be a New York Times Best Seller.
CHANGE, maybe we should put more thought into changing our attitude towards it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

not my home

As I was reading this morning I was once again reminded that my life here on earth is not at home. Home for me is heaven, that place that Christ has gone to prepare for me. When you stop and think about that, Christ preparing for me, it blows me away. Questions like, "Why someone like me?" or "Do I really deserve it?", come to mind. It is interesting how we long for such things here on this earth (the temporary), but yet know that (or at least I think we know) eternal things are more important. I have to just keep in mind that I am not home yet and that God has more in store for me to do while here on His earth.
I believe that the beauty we see here on this earth is just a glimpse of the beauty we will experience in heaven. What a day that will be when I step into heaven not because of my own doing, but because of the Cross of Christ.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

me or HIM

Don't know what I really want to talk about today, but I will write anyway.

Just finished reading a great book by Erwin McManus, Chasing Daylight. It was a great book. I have so many quotes from the book, but one that stuck out to me was this one:

Your focus should not be, "What is God's will for my life?" but "How can I give my life to fulfill God's will?"

I think that as Followers of Christ we tend to get hung up on asking the 1st question all the time. Is it a bad question, no, but the intent leads us to an area that we shouldn't drift toward. What I mean is that when we ask that question we seem to keep asking that question over and over until we get the answer we want or like. It might go something like this, "God what is your will for my life?" "Really, are you sure God, I don't know if I heard you right, I think that you have me mixed up with someone else, I will just keep asking again (at least until I hear what I want to hear). The first question, "What is God's will for my life?", seems so self- centered when you really think about it (MY Life). The second question, "How can I give my life to fulfill God's will?", is focused more on serving and giving than taking and getting. "How can I give", allows me to join in with what God is up to and doing right now around me. The focus has shifted off of a self-centered mentality to a Savior centered mentality. It's not that I don't want to know God's will for my life it's just that I know from the Scriptures what God wants me to be doing. If we truly follow God and His Word and are willing to give of ourselves completely to Him I believe that we will be doing God's will for our lives. It's all about perspective. It is spelled out right there in front of me as I study and read His Word. There are just somethings that we are commanded to do and yet we treat them as though they are for someone else.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Do we really use the wisdom that we have been given?
Today i was reading in the book of Proverbs and Psalms and seeing how wisdom is important to our lives. Wisdom should guide us to make decisions that lead toward following Christ with reckless abandonment. As I was thinking about what I had read and was talking with God I realized that I was asking for wisdom once again (and nothing is wrong with that, but...) I thought to myself, "Have I ever really asked God to give me opportunities to use that wisdom and to grow from that experience?"
I want my life to be more than just empty spoken words that sound good. I want my words to have ACTION. I would rather live out my life telling others about the most awesome relationship in the universe without using words, rather than speak words that just make noise, but have no substance.
Today I pray that I am given opportunities to use the wisdom from God for His glory and that by doing that I may grow closer to Him in this journey of faith.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Lately I have been doing a lot of thinking and wondering. Wondering HOW I am going to do some of the things that God has put on my heart. Last night I was reading and it hit me that I don't have to worry about the HOW, but rather just be willing to be faithful to do what I can right now and allow God to work. I must find myself dependent upon Him, not upon my own abilities. (Where's the fun in that - especially if I want to be a part of something God sized)
I find myself too much in the middle of God's plan for me trying to do what God has to do. I have this problem - I like to call it the 'ME' Syndrome. You see, I wouldn't deny that God is the one that I must follow, instead of me trying to lead. I would even go as far as saying that I must trust and follow God for His plans are better, but do I live it out that way!
I need to let go of the HOW and hold on to the promises that God has given to me, to us as His children. When I think of my own children there are thoughts of them trusting me even when they don't know how daddy will do it, they just BELIEVE that I will get it done. When you stop and think about it it's really kind of cool that I don't need to worry about the, "HOW can this be done", so that I can focus on the FAITH of following Christ.

If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.
-Matthew 7:11

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

way too long...

It has been a month since the last time I wrote anything here. I have busy, but I want to try and keep writing no matter what.

So what's been going on since my last blog?? Well, A lot!

I have seen another class graduate, another soccer season come and go, move my office, say goodbye professionally to a great friend and co-worker, go on an awesome mission trip, and found out that my beautiful wife and I are having another child. Those are just some of the high points of the last fun filled month.

I can't believe that summer is here. Before I know it fall will be knocking. I love the summer months and try to take it in as much as possible. It is fun being outside, taking to others, and hanging out with family and friends.

The mission trip that I just back from was great. I went with 26 other students and leaders to Gulfport, MS. We where able to partner with FBC Gulfport. Part of the group helped another church (Bel Aire Baptist) with their VBS and another group did a Soccer Camp in a FEMA park for inner city kids. In the afternoons we came back together to do yard work. I was so proud of my students and leaders! They gave their best this week and hardly did I ever hear any complaints while we worked. They were stretched and pushed out of their comfort zones. Lives in Miss. were changed during the week and some of those changed lives came back to Tenn.. It is amazing to see God work and it is something incredible to be able to become a part of it.

During this trip I saw students mature in their walk with God, that's priceless. I pray that they will continue to allow God to use them for His glory.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

first things 1st

I have got to make sure that I keep my priorities straight. You see it is easy for me to get busy doing a lot of things, things that are good and for the kingdom of God. The problem is that I sometimes end up doing things that are not what God has not told me to do. I think that I need to do this or do that, but I end up neglecting the task that I should be doing in the first place (or I don't give the time to it like I should). I think that we sometimes fool ourselves into believing that we're on track with God when in reality we are just plain busy. I have come to the conclusion (once again) that being busy does not equal godliness. The thing is that I have known this for years, but I still seem to fall into the same hole, the same trap. I must put first things 1st! My personal relationship with God has to precede everything else that I do in my life. There is no other choice if I am to truly live a life for God that He has for me to live.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


The other day we took some of the students to do community outreach at what is called the ROCK. It is a place for inner city kids. We usually try and go twice a semester and hang-out with them. I had the privilege to cross paths with a little kid named Charlie. Charlie was awesome. One of the sweetest boys you'll ever meet. He was only about five or six. He was just like all the other kids, except he has lost one of his legs from the knee down. You would never know that he had a fake leg until you looked closely. What was cool was that Charlie never complained or tried to get others to feel sorry for him. Most of the students that came with us didn't even know that Charlie was without part of his leg.
Most of us will live our lives without the fear of loosing a leg or arm, but most of us will find ways to complain and cry about things in our lives that really don't matter. (Pity party is the word I'm looking for.)
The next time I begin to complain about something, I pray that all I see is the face of Charlie smiling at me with blue raspberry icee dripping down his face (that's what we brought them for snack that day).

Friday, April 20, 2007


"Speak. I'm your servant, ready to listen." From the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel 3:10

God has been showing me some awesome things lately and this is one of them. I want to have a willing heart like Samuel did when God came calling. Too many times I have been distracted by "other" things going on.

Even when you read the verse in context of the whole story you realize that Samuel was ready to serve Eli, who he thought was calling him at first. I wonder how many times I have missed God's voice because I was not focused upon Him like I should have been, but rather distracted by less important things around me.

I want, no desire, to be used by my Lord and King. May we all be ready when He comes calling!

"Speak Lord, I'm your servant, ready to listen and follow."

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Live each day as though it could be your last. Not just living it to say that I am pleased with it and that I have done well, but rather live it to serve others, serving others as though you are serving God. As followers of Christ we must show this world what or actually who we have truly become (or trying to become). Don't be like the world returning hate for hate, hurt for hurt, revenge for revenge, and despair for despair. But let us give or return love for hate, caring for hurt, forgiveness for revenge, and hope for despair. Not that I don't refer back to the old self of doing things (once again, trying to become like Christ, I'm not perfect), but I must die to selfishness or to put it plainly my wants.

The one word that keeps coming to mind lately is : PASSION!

I want to be passionate about my walk with God. I want everything to flow out of that walk, everything to be measured by that walk. One of the problems that I've found is that I allow other "things" to push that walk with God out of place. They may be good things, godly things, but not the "True Thing". I think that we sometimes become too much of a softy when it comes to putting God first in all things. We come up with reasons (oh, I mean excuses) that we have not spent as much time hanging out with the One person that knows us the best, that wants only the best for us, and has everything in our future planned out for us. When you really stop and think about it we are such idiots when we don't live sold out for God. Of course I feel like the biggest idiot of all because half the time I feel like I have become lazy in my journey with God (Is this confession time?). Isn't grace awesome? Not to abuse it, but to live through it (grace) with a passion like no other and for no other.

People all over the world are passionate about something. We all have things in our lives that we are passionate about. Passion keeps us moving, but we must ask ourselves, "Are we being moved in the right direction and by the right Person?

Live each day with a passion that could only begin with Jesus and flow out into everything else around you.

Friday, April 13, 2007


There's a big difference between hearing what you want to hear and hearing what you need to hear. Most of the time we just ignore the need for the want. We get mad at those that tell us what we need and keep looking for those who will give us what we want. We are a selfish people. I don't understand why God continues to put up with us.
Today was one of those days, along with the last few weeks, that I wanted to hear only what would benefit me and my train of thought and nothing less. Guess what, I ran into someone who told me like it is. God graciously placed this person in my life so that I would see and hear what I needed to. I was being so self-centered and thinking inward only. It was ugly. I was getting off track, getting out of focus with God's purpose and plan for me. Wisdom comes in many different forms from God, sometimes it's in small packages.
My passion and energy is given to you Lord Jesus, use me how you will! Help me to be the answer and not the problem. I'm ready to jump in!
Thanks Laura! I love you.


Thank God for kids!!!(especially mine)
I look at their passion for the little things in life and it reminds me how I need to live. I believe that one of the reason that God gave me my kids was to keep me grounded in Him.
The similarities are interesting:
1. My kids rely on me for food, shelter, and love.
I must rely on God for my food, shelter, and love (everything).

2. When I leave or have to go away from my kids it makes them sad and I can't wait to be back with them.
When I move away from where God wants me to be or I am not spending time with Him I feel a need to be back close to Him again.

3. My kids don't worry about the little or big things in life, they know that we'll (mommy and daddy) take care of them.
I must allow God to take control of everything in my life, big or small, and know that He has everything in control and that He will take care of everything.

4. My kids just want to be held sometimes, nothing else, just want to know that I'm there.
Sometimes I just want to know that God is there, nothing more than just holding me.

Thank you God for the children that you have given to us - our own and the many others that we come in contact around us. I pray that I never lose sight of the wonder that you hold and the passion that you gave for us.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Waiting is not one of my favorite past-times, but I know that the Lord has things in control and that I need to trust Him completely. (Even though I have to admit I want to take things into my own hands at times)
Patience, patience, patience.....

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Shift - "Cultural Freeze"

The last few days have been great and at the same time challenging. I have been at a conference that has moved me to think about a lot of different things in my life and ministry.
One of the speaker (Darren Whitehead) spoke on where culture is, where it has been and where it's going and what we as the Church can do about it. He spoke about cultural freeze and how when many immigrants move to a different area of the world that they bring with them the culture that they left, they freeze that culture in time. They never evolve. Has the Church been in a cultural freeze? Have we been living in a past world/culture for too many years.
He spoke of people coming into our churches and looking at what where doing and thinking we are in a time freeze. Thinking, "How does this apply to my life, situation, etc.." Have we become an antique shop of sorts, holding on to things that are no doubt beautiful, but irrelevant to today culture. Of course we are not talking about the message, the gospel of Jesus changing or evolving, but rather the methods we use to share the most important story given to mankind.
This generation wants to be involved, not just preached to. They want to be a part of the solution, a part of the journey, they want to make a difference and know that what they are doing is making a difference in those around them. God has given each of us a purpose to follow, a gift to use and we as leaders must help them to see what those gifts are and help them use them for His glory.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Why is it that we as humans, or even those of us that call ourselves Christians, find it much easier to come up with reasons to not do what we know we are suppose to do. We spend more time coming up with excuses to not obey God. If we would only spend that time just saying yes and obeying we would find an adventure that no one could even imagine.
As I was reading through the journey of Moses in the book of Exodus I realized that even Moses felt more comfortable coming up with reasons to not obey.

Moses objected, "They won't trust me. They won't listen to a word I say.
They're going to say, 'God? Appear to him? Hardly!'" -Exodus 4:1 (Message)

What amazes me is that God goes on to provide Moses with signs for the people and yet he still brings another excuse to the table.

Moses raised another objection to God: "Master, please, I don't talk well. I've
never been good with words, neither before or after you spoke to me. I stutter and
stammer." -Exodus 4:10

I love this chapter because I can see myself in Moses. The sad part is that I tell God, "Yes, I will serve You, what do you want me to do?" But then I say , "Are you sure, I don't think I'm able to do that, I'm not good at that, I don't know how to do that, there is someone else that is better than me that can do that?" Sometimes we would rather stand before God and ask, "Why?", than obey. In my short history here on earth I have come to realize that the few times I have obeyed rather than make excuses, even though I wanted to just stand there and ask, "Why?", God has answered my questions as to why I was called to do such and such thing after I obeyed. And even the questions that didn't get answered I really didn't care about anymore.

Human nature is such that we want what we want and usually anything else we can get. We have to have it our way (self ism). We even want to mold God into the shape that we want, what fits our lifestyle. What is scary is that God can't be put into a mold like some sort of art. Art that we look at and adore and say nice things about. Art that is up on the wall, away from us, out there, behind glass, unable to touch. For some God is like art in a museum, you can only see Him when you go to that building which houses the art. I am tired of putting God into molds that He doesn't fit into. I have tried to make God into what I wanted, what I thought I needed. The problem is that it seems to always be about me when in reality it must be all about God. God is not just out there, He is right here with me. He is not just art to look at, but someone to interact with, One that loves me deeper than any, cares more passionately than I could ever imagine, and wants the best for me and everyone else. What we try to do to God is what God is doing to us, molding us into His image.

Simple, but true:
"I must decrease and He must increase."

the start

Let it begin.