Tuesday, June 12, 2007

way too long...

It has been a month since the last time I wrote anything here. I have busy, but I want to try and keep writing no matter what.

So what's been going on since my last blog?? Well, A lot!

I have seen another class graduate, another soccer season come and go, move my office, say goodbye professionally to a great friend and co-worker, go on an awesome mission trip, and found out that my beautiful wife and I are having another child. Those are just some of the high points of the last fun filled month.

I can't believe that summer is here. Before I know it fall will be knocking. I love the summer months and try to take it in as much as possible. It is fun being outside, taking to others, and hanging out with family and friends.

The mission trip that I just back from was great. I went with 26 other students and leaders to Gulfport, MS. We where able to partner with FBC Gulfport. Part of the group helped another church (Bel Aire Baptist) with their VBS and another group did a Soccer Camp in a FEMA park for inner city kids. In the afternoons we came back together to do yard work. I was so proud of my students and leaders! They gave their best this week and hardly did I ever hear any complaints while we worked. They were stretched and pushed out of their comfort zones. Lives in Miss. were changed during the week and some of those changed lives came back to Tenn.. It is amazing to see God work and it is something incredible to be able to become a part of it.

During this trip I saw students mature in their walk with God, that's priceless. I pray that they will continue to allow God to use them for His glory.

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