I have got to make sure that I keep my priorities straight. You see it is easy for me to get busy doing a lot of things, things that are good and for the kingdom of God. The problem is that I sometimes end up doing things that are not what God has not told me to do. I think that I need to do this or do that, but I end up neglecting the task that I should be doing in the first place (or I don't give the time to it like I should). I think that we sometimes fool ourselves into believing that we're on track with God when in reality we are just plain busy. I have come to the conclusion (once again) that being busy does not equal godliness. The thing is that I have known this for years, but I still seem to fall into the same hole, the same trap. I must put first things 1st! My personal relationship with God has to precede everything else that I do in my life. There is no other choice if I am to truly live a life for God that He has for me to live.
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