Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
To become or not to become is the question

Do we spend way too much time thinking about the things that we do wrong in our lives (sin)? Should we deal with that sin(s) and move on rather than sit in our own pity party and not move forward with who God intended us to be. The way I understand it, when we become a follower of Christ we are reborn, rebirthed, made new. The old-self is no longer the number one influence, God should be. We are given a new life in Christ; "Dead to sin, alive to God" -Romans 6:11. Now I'm not saying that we will never sin again, I'm dead to sin (that life that controlled me), but not ignorant of it. When I sin I need to admit, confess, praise God for that forgiveness, and make it right with anyone that I have hurt. Then move on to living the way God intended for me to live. The cool thing is that God does forgive and doesn't want me to wallow in my sin, but rather MOVE ON to the life that He has for me, the NEW LIFE. It's kinda like us never wanting to move past a liquid diet to a more solid diet that fills you up. Maybe that's why so many people that call themselves Christians never seem to mature, they never want to go beyond the liquid to the solid. Lets encourage one another to be the person God intended or better yet created us to be.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Telling it like it is
"We have to care more about reaching people (for Jesus) than about obeying man's stupid rules because that's what they are."
-Craig Groeschel, Senior Pastor of
(italics added for emphasis)
-Craig Groeschel, Senior Pastor of
(italics added for emphasis)

Life. True Life is what God wants to give us. Not easy life, but true life with all its bumps and bruises, and also victories and wins. Last night I was discussing with others the the video by Nooma called Rhythm. In it Rob Bell talks about a song that has been playing since the beginning of time. The song of God. Everyone hears it, even if they try and deny it. You see all of us plays a song, our life song. The question isn't if we are playing a song, rather the question is are we in tune with God's song. As I was thinking about that last night and today I have been asking God what areas of my life are out of tune with you? As leaders in the church we must be willing to wrestle with and ask ourselves the same questions that we are asking others to face. I don't want to become just someone who asks all the questions, but never struggles with those same questions myself. Leaders lead. God, I hear Your song all around me and I hear it being played in my life, show where I need to be more in tune with You.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

"Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one
person gets the prize? So run to win!"-1 Corinthians 9:24LIVE WITH PASSION FOR GOD! We all have a passion for something in our lives. We must make sure that our 1st passion is Christ than everything else will follow. Run your journey focused on Him that gives life, that sustains life, and that loves life. This doesn't mean that we can't be passionate about other things in our life, but I do think that we will see all other things in a different light once we set our priorities straight and run with purpose, true purpose (1 Corinthians 9:26). There is a natural flow of living life. A flow that only comes from God. When we go against the flow things don't seem right. Things seem out of place, not in there natural order. We must run with purpose and that purpose comes from God and with that comes passion that can't be contained.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Five years ago today I became a father for the 1st time. I can't believe that it has been five years. The time has flown by. As I start to get the hang of this father thing I realize how much our heavenly Father loves us and cares for us. I also realize how I fail Him everyday of my life, but He loves me anyway. It's the same with my kids, I expect a lot out of them, even though they are still young, but I don't expect perfection. I just want them to give all they have, do the best they can do. I want to be an encourager to them and to be there when they fall and to be there when they soar. I want them to experience the world in all its goodness and truth, which means that they will also have to see the world in all it's filth and lies. I want them to know that God didn't intend for it to be that way, but that He is still in control and that He can be trusted. It's interesting that as I raise my children I can see how God expects a lot out of me and that He will equip me for the future, just as I want to do for my kids.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I am humbled by God each day of my life. When I stop and think about what He has allowed me to do I am thrilled and excited. Question such as, "Why me of all people?" and "Are you sure you want me to do that?", come to mind. Of course it is at those times that I realize that I can't do it, but God will if I allow Him to use me. Yesterday as I was mowing my yard and doing yard work I was chatting with God and telling Him that I stand amazed at what He does in and around my life. The things that have happened and are happening can only be explained by a move of God. When God moves I want to move also, when God directs I want to follow. I remember saying to Him what has kinda become my new prayer lately, "What-ever, when-ever, how-ever, and where-ever, for Your glory." One of the biggest mistakes that I or anyone can make is to try and go it alone in this life. We were not made to do that, we are made to relate to one another and especially to God. What else can I say except, "Thank you God for, well, EVERYTHING!!!"
Thursday, August 2, 2007
"We have defined holiness through what we separate ourselves from rather than what we give ourselves to. The greatest tragedy is not the sins that we commit, but the life that we fail to live" -Erwin McManus, Chasing Daylight
Holiness. I bet that you would get a lot of different definitions of what it is.
It is true that I want to stay away from many things that this world has to offer, because it would cause my relationship with Jesus to falter. But if you stop and think about what I might stay away from that would give me reason to say that I am holy might just be something that others all over the world do also, but have no relationship with Christ. So what's the difference? Just like the quote above I believe that the difference is in what we give ourselves to. How we live out our faith.
Do we live out our faith loud or just whisper behind closed doors?
When I think about the quote I think about Christ. Jesus could have just come to this earth and talked about His Father, talked about His purpose, and yes He would have been holy because there was no sin in His life. But He didn't just do that. He gave himself completely to His mission, to His purpose.
I want to give myself completely, totally, and without reservation to Christ. To live the life that He has for me. To follow passionately.
Holiness. I bet that you would get a lot of different definitions of what it is.
It is true that I want to stay away from many things that this world has to offer, because it would cause my relationship with Jesus to falter. But if you stop and think about what I might stay away from that would give me reason to say that I am holy might just be something that others all over the world do also, but have no relationship with Christ. So what's the difference? Just like the quote above I believe that the difference is in what we give ourselves to. How we live out our faith.
Do we live out our faith loud or just whisper behind closed doors?
When I think about the quote I think about Christ. Jesus could have just come to this earth and talked about His Father, talked about His purpose, and yes He would have been holy because there was no sin in His life. But He didn't just do that. He gave himself completely to His mission, to His purpose.
I want to give myself completely, totally, and without reservation to Christ. To live the life that He has for me. To follow passionately.
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